Thursday, August 6, 2009

Bean Soup

I am sick. And not just a sneeze here and there, sick, but full blown 'my chest is going to explode' sick. And this sickness seems to be following a stream of other annoying events in my life. I have been off of work for six weeks because of a strained Achilles tendon which occurred whilst jumping over a guitar case at our church's high school summer camp. I seem to have all the luck. But I must say that being sick (or unable to walk) also has its advantages. I am an avid reader, I will read 4 or 5 books at a time. So this down time has afforded me the ability to gorge myself with books, not to mention the Readers Digest that just arrived in the mail. Sometimes its nice to slow down (in my case way down) and just appreciate life. My wonderful husband brought me my favorite soup from my favorite restaurant for lunch today. Such a simple gesture, but so full of love. Did I mention today is also our anniversary? 9 years. Yes I am hacking up my lungs as I tell him how much I love him. His deliverance of homemade navy bean soup means much more to me than an evening out at a nice restaurant. So as my body heals, and it will, I will be back running around and wishing I had the time for a good book. So for now I will enjoy the little things in life like a great cup of coffee or a bowl of homemade bean soup.